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Profession made for your protection

Positive Material Identification

This testing use for Identification Grade and elements mainly used for alloy elements grades This is portable spectra machine and process quick and effective. Hardly use for industrial in raw, semifinish, final stage, some limitation are there he can not check light element lik a Carbon, Silicon, Phosper and Sulphar, Magnesium Etc.
PMI  is a rapid non-destructive method; it is performed on a wide range of components, assets, and equipment and provides chemical analysis. It is used for material verification and identification.

Quality and Compliance

Positive Material Identification

SPECTRO conducts identification of metallic materials, also referred to as Alloy Verification (positive material identification – PMI) all over India. The aim of the identification of material is to ensure that the nominal material composition that is as supplied and complies with purchase order and / or design requirements. SPECTRO can perform PMI on the following items:

Alloy Steel Pipes including clad pipes

Alloy Steel Flanges and Forgings

Alloy Steel Fittings including clad fittings

Alloy Steel Fasteners

Alloy cast and forged steel valves

Longitudinal vales and fitting welds

Gaskets (for ring type joints)

Alloy Steel instrumentation items

pmi teasting

Positive Material Inspection Can:

Ensure welding has
correct filler metals.

mixed-up alloys

Identification if the wrong
material is used.

To ensure correct alloy
has been used during

Ensure material conforms to
the correct standard or

0 +
Happy Client

Change is inevitable – except from vending machines.

Pmi is performed using:

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES): This method detects all types of elements, but it is not as portable as XRF but it can be transported to the sites by using special lifting arrangements.
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer: This is the most common method and portability allows on-site inspection. The device scans the metal material and identifies its major elements. However, it cannot detect carbon or some other lighter elements, hence it is not suitable for detecting lighter elements.

Best Services

Services We Offers

Portable PMI

We provide on-site PMI using the latest portable analyzers, ensuring quick and accurate results without the need for sample transportation.

Laboratory PMI

Our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities are equipped to handle complex PMI projects, offering in-depth analysis and

PMI Consulting

We offer expert consultation services, helping you understand the significance of PMI and how it can enhance the quality and safety of your operations.

Laboratory PMI

We provide on-site PMI using the latest portable analyzers, ensuring quick and accurate results without the need for sample transportation.

Laboratory PMI

Our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities are equipped to handle complex PMI projects, offering in-depth analysis and verification.

PMI Consulting

We offer expert consultation services, helping you understand the significance of PMI and how it can enhance the quality and safety of your operations.

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