As seen earlier that basic NDT methods are VT, MT, RT, UT, PT
To meet the standard requirement, all NDT procedures must be carried out as per standard procedure to obtain desired test results. These procedures are derived from applicable codes and standards.
Standards, Codes, and Specifications
A code is a set of rules, regulations, strictures, minimum requirements for “ethical conduct”. It is a group of general rules or systematic procedures for design, fabrication, installation, and inspection that are adopted by legal jurisdiction and made into law.
Codes are intended to set forth engineering requirements deemed necessary for the safe design and manufacturing of critical machinery and components.
Code has the force of law, unlike standards that are voluntarily accepted guidelines that become mandatory only when incorporated into a business contract.
Standards are the documents, prepared by professional societies or committees, which are believed to be efficient engineering practices and which contain mandatory requirements. The users are responsible for the correct application of the same. Compliance with the standard does not itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
The major standards are shown below